
Homestay Seterpa


Homestay Seterpa

Homestay Seterpa

Located 16 km from Kota Bharu in Kelantan Kampung Seterpa is the nearest homestay village to the city centre. The name Seterpa is derived from the Kelantan dialect word 'serepak' meaning meeting place and is a wonderful experience for those who want a taste of traditional village life.
Seterpa is named meeting place because, back in the day Seterpa was the meeting place between the forces of Rajah Long Gaffar Limbat and the forces of Rajah Jembal. During that time, the villages were recognized because their people had close ties with the palace. He is the son of the late warden Mat Awang and a descendant of Panglima Hitam.
After that, the deceased son of the warden, Haji Ismail bin Mat currently well known as Tok Che Well became very influential in the local society. He served as Secretary of the warden / Headman of the Malay Peninsula before independence.

Visit cottages that produce batik, decorative flower, vase
Experience the way of breeding livestock such as freshwater fish, chickens, cows